raz simone
Raz Simone releases My Child, a track inspired by one of his biggest fans, Grant Watkins, who was senselessly murdered in 2016. This song has global reach, striking a cord in anyone who has ever felt the loss of a close friend or relative. The overarching tone of the song is positive, spreading a message of love, and encouraging the listener to not take life for granted. (H1GHRMUSIC)

Raz Simone - "My Child"

raz simone
Raz Simone releases My Child, a track inspired by one of his biggest fans, Grant Watkins, who was senselessly murdered in 2016. This song has global reach, striking a cord in anyone who has ever felt the loss of a close friend or relative. The overarching tone of the song is positive, spreading a message of love, and encouraging the listener to not take life for granted. (H1GHRMUSIC)

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